The Redmi K20 and Redmi K20 Pro are Redmi's flagship offering for this year. Both the phones come with a fullscreen AMOLED display, pop-up front camera. The Redmi K20 Pro comes with a Snapdragon 855 chipset. HIGHLIGHTS Both the Redmi K20 and Redmi K20 Pro are almost identical in terms of specifications, except for the chipset. The Redmi K20 Pro starts from Rs 25,000 for the base variant with 6GB RAM and 64GB storage. The Redmi K20 starts from Rs 20,000 for the base variant and comes with a Snapdragon 730 SoC. It's not wrong to say that the Redmi K20 has been one of the most hyped smartphones of 2019, especially since Xiaomi started teasing it in India after the OnePlus 7 series launched. The unique gradient design shown in the teasers makes it one of the most beautiful looking Xiaomi phones and Xiaomi has finally launched it today in China. The base Redmi K20 starts at 1999 Yuan (approximately Rs 20,000) while the Redmi K20 Pro starts from 2499 Yuan (ap...