Devika from Malappuram, who has chosen to study Humanities next, was felicitated by Kerala Police Chief Lokanath Behera. In their voices is surprise. Devika and her parents do not seem to think she has done anything extraordinary by scoring A+ in all subjects for her 10th grade exams this year. That Devika from Malappuram, Kerala, has written all her exams with her feet might have shocked an outsider but to the family, it is an everyday affair. That’s how Devika, born without hands, has always written. “It’s been like that since birth,” says Devika’s dad Sajeev, a senior civil police officer in Thenhipalam police station, Malappuram. Only a day ago, Devika was felicitated by Kerala Police Chief Lokanath Behera. It is her will power and mental strength that helped her to succeed, he said, while honouring Devika. She's an average student, say her modest parents. It is Sujitha, the homemaker mother, who got Devika to hold the pencil between her feet and learn the alphabet, when ...